Sunday, October 27, 2013

let your love grow tall.

oh that title?
yeah it's a wonderful song by passion pit.
if you ever ask me how i'm feeling i can probably explain it better through songs than words.

i haven't seen you in 17 months.
which means i start to forget.
i start to forget how amazing you really are.
i forget that you bring me french fries and sour patch kids to tell me you're sorry.
i forget that you dance like a loon with me, and laugh like crazy when we realize how ridiculous we look.
i forget that you encourage me in whatever i want to do, even if it's to drop out of school and open a cupcake shop. (then you bring me back to my senses because you actually care about my future, unlike me.)
i forget that you still race me to open my door even when i fight you on it.
i forget that you look out for me more than i look out for myself.
i forget how you'd give me a new reason every night of why you love me, never repeating a reason you'd used before.
i forget how big you smile when you see me.
how you put up with all of my crap and love me unconditionally.
and i forget how much you really mean to me.
but i'm trying really hard to remember now.
please be patient with me when i forget.
see you in seven.

in other news:

-there is new music in my music section. if you see me dancing on campus i might be listening to one of those songs.

-"anne i'm tired of hearing about your missionary." well that's unfortunate.

-i am the best at being the worst at chemistry. (did you catch that?) my science class this semester unfortunately had a chemistry section in it. even more unfortunate, my teacher told us that practically everyone fails this test, and we should expect to do the same and just pray she drops one of our test scores at the end of the semester. i studied my butt off, praying for at least a 50. imagine my surprise when i came out of the testing center to see i got an 82, well above the average of the rest of my class. i definitely did a victory dance despite the people around me.

-i really miss these people. on account of they are some of my favorite people in the whole world.
it's appalling how photogenic we are, really.

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